How Our Books Work

How it works

Each Book in the Series…

Although each book is unique, there is an overall theme and feel encompassed within the 21st Century Skills Library collection. No matter what subject you are reading, you still can feel the sense of a family of books.

Aside from actually holding our books, there’s no better way to get a feel for what were trying to express than to read the book excerpts provided within this site — simply click the link “Read Excerpt” on any of our product pages. Here’s a complete list of excerpts.


"When I was a young boy my history book looked like it was 1,000 pages long and a tough read. Here's a kid's book [D is for Democracy] even an adult can read, enjoy, and learn from, that actually explains democracy so simply and effectively, you mean it when you shout out, 'What a country!'"
—Regis Philbin